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This is a short and simple homebrew guide to running Epithet Erased with Index Card RPG    (or ICRPG), an incredibly simple and clean d20 system. Essentially you roll your dice, add modifiers, then roll Effort if applicable. You can find a free Quickstart guide with ALL the rules you’ll need to run the game (here), the full book (here) and a really good reference sheet (here). 

 Epithet Erased is an anime-like series made by youtuber JelloApocalypse (here), featuring a world where one-in-five people have words Inscribed to their soul that lets them manifest cool powers. Think My Hero Academia or Jojo but more magical. You can find the trailer (here).


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Epithet ICRPG v3.1.pdf 2.5 MB


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If you've been following [my blog] for a while you might know I've been a fan of Epithet Erased and have been working on this for some time. After looking at it OVER and OVER and OVER again I can't think of any way I'd really want to update it.

So like. Here you go. It's 'done.'